Safeguarding at Golden Hill CC
Golden Hill Cricket Club is committed to ensuring that all children, young people and adults participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience. The safety and well-being of all club and community members are at the foundations of everything we do, both on and off the pitch.
We have a safeguarding policy statement and several policies to support this, and these can all be accessed here.
Golden Hill Cricket Club is an ECB Clubmark-accredited club, which reflects our commitment to the welfare of members and our desire to provide well-organised, safe, effective, inclusive and friendly activities.
We adhere to safer recruitment processes for all volunteering roles and ensure that all those undertaking regulated roles undergo the required background and vetting checks, complete appropriate safeguarding training and receive ongoing support.
Documents and Policies
Code of Conduct for Children and Young People Under 8 Years (NEW)
Code of Conduct for Children and Young People Aged 8-12 Years (NEW)
Code of Conduct for Children and Young People Aged 12-15 Years (NEW)
Code of Conduct for Children and Young People Aged 15+ Years (NEW)
In addition to the above policies and guidance, the club has several internal policies, procedures and processes relating to safeguarding. These can be made available upon request. Don't hesitate to contact the Club Safeguarding Officer for further information.
Sharing a concern
If you have any concerns about a child, young person or adult at risk or the behaviour of an adult towards either of these, you should share your concerns immediately. We understand you may feel apprehensive and anxious about reporting a safeguarding concern. Still, please remember that it is not your responsibility to decide if abuse or neglect has taken place, but you do have a duty of care to share any concerns you might have.
There are several ways in which you can report a concern:
​You can report a concern online using the Golden Hill Safeguarding Referral form found here.
You can contact the Golden Hill Cricket Club Safeguarding Team via email at, or you can contact a member of the safeguarding team directly using the following details:
Club Safeguarding Officer (Designated Safeguarding Lead):
Christel Rees at
Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Boys & Men):
Dave Peregrine at
Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Girls & Women):
Jen Tomkinson at
Deputy Safeguarding Officer (Disability & Inclusion):
Ben Wright at
County Safeguarding Officer:
John Peplow, Gloucestershire Cricket Foundation at
ECB Safeguarding Team: or 0207 432 1222.
Alternatively, concerns can be reported:
Directly to the local Police or Children's Social Care Services or
The Child Protection in Sport Unit at or
The NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or at
If it is an emergency and someone is at immediate risk, please call the Police or Children's Social Care Services in your area.
Whistleblowing in a safeguarding context means revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation or an independent structure. This can be used as an early warning system or when it is recognised that appropriate action has not been taken.
This approach or policy may be adopted at many different walks of life.
Any adult or young person concerned about a colleague's conduct towards a child, young person or adult at risk can report this to the Safeguarding Team by emailing
Please complete the form here or email for any other whistleblowing concerns.
The Golden Hill Cricket Club Whistleblowing policy can be found here.
Reporting discrimination
As part of the ECB's commitment to making cricket more inclusive, the ECB recently launched a new reporting mechanism to report any form of discrimination in cricket.
Discrimination of any kind is unacceptable and if you are aware of or witness discrimination at any level of cricket, the ECB wants to hear from you. Whatever discrimination you are aware of or have witnessed, your report will be reviewed and dealt with by the relevant cricket organisation. Reporting discrimination will help the ECB and clubs like ours to ensure that cricket is a welcoming, inclusive and diverse game for everyone.
You can choose whether to report discrimination anonymously or alongside your name and contact details. Only by working together with players, spectators, coaches, officials and clubs can the ECB make the progress cricket deserves.
You can submit a report here. You can also mail your report to: Customer Support Team, England & Wales Cricket Board, Warwickshire County Cricket Ground, Indoor School, Edgbaston Road, Birmingham, B5 7QX.
The Club Safeguarding Officer at Golden Hill Cricket Club is enrolled and has completed the first module of the ECB's 'The Boundary' programme, a five-tier modular programme designed to equip those in the recreational game with the knowledge and skills to minimise the risk of discrimination, both in-field and in relevant off-field situations and to effectively respond to any incidents that unfortunately do occur.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Club Safeguarding Officer if you require any assistance or advice relating to EDI and the reporting process.
The Safeguarding Team
Christel Rees
Club Safeguarding Officer
Designated Safeguarding Lead
EDI Officer
Safeguarding Young Cricketers (ECB)
Safe Hands (ECB)
Safeguarding for Committee Members and Club Safeguarding Officers (ECB)
Safeguarding Adults (Ann Craft Trust/UK Coaching)
Safeguarding and Protecting Children - Positive Parents (UK Coaching)
Keeping Deaf and Disabled Children Safe in Sport (UK Coaching)
Safeguarding children and young people with SEND (NSPCC)
Safer recruitment for those in non-education settings 2.0 (NSPCC)
Safer sports events (NSPCC)
Safeguarding in Sport (High Speed Training/Paul Stewart Official)
Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity+ (Mind/UK Coaching)
FAA Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health (RQF)
Dave Peregrine
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Boys & Men
Safe Hands (ECB)
Safeguarding for Committee Members and Club Safeguarding Officers (ECB)
Jen Tomkinson
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Girls & Women
Safe Hands (ECB)
Safeguarding for Committee Members and Club Safeguarding Officers (ECB)
Ben Wright
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Disability & Inclusion
Safe Hands (ECB)
Safeguarding for Committee Members and Club Safeguarding Officers (ECB)