The Golden Hill Sports Ground looked glorious basking in the evening sun as we all arrived for Quiz Night. Seven pitches had been beautifully prepared for football (did you know, marking out all seven equates to a 2,870 metre walk on the part of our groundsmen!?), evidence of preparations for the imminent cricket season were visible and the Keith Milsom Pavilion was once more nearly at capacity after a drought in social events over the last two years and the various restrictions we have all endured as we have continued to navigate the pandemic.

A huge thank you has to go to Jacky and Tony, who set us a challenging but fun quiz once again and did a superb job hosting the evening. I would also like to thank Georgina and Karen for preparing a most delectable spread, Keith and Tom for setting up, the Golden Hill Social Committee for organising the event, our brilliant Social Club Manager, Emma, for manning the pumps and clearing up and, of course, all of the local residents, social club members and playing members who joined us and made the evening a resounding success!
We hope to see you all again at our next event! Keep an eye out for details of the upcoming Race Night.